Welcome to the Kalos Center Podcast where we discuss faith and culture. One of the themes of this show is how Christians in all sorts of professions integrate their faith with what they do—that is, how their faith “has legs” in their work. We interview Christians from a variety of fields—scientists, philosophers, investors, artists, politicians, musicians, athletes, and many more.

Every episode of the Kalos Center podcast is not only informative, showing how our guests’ work provides important insights and services for human flourishing, but also personally inspiring as we see how their work is a vital part of a fascinating faith journey. It will give you a better understanding of why the Christian faith makes sense and makes a practical difference for all of us.

The Kalos Center Podcast

  • David Bahnsen-Wealth Management and Christian Ethics in a Fallen World

    Kalos Center Podcast | Ep. 2
    David is the Founder, Managing Partner of The Bahnsen Group, a wealth management firm that oversees $4 billion in client's assets. He has authored 5 books and regularly appears on Fox News and CNBC.

  • JP Moreland- Integrating Philosophy and Our Christian Faith for a Meaningful Life

    Kalos Center Podcast | Ep. 1
    J. P. is a renowned philosopher and Christian apologist at Talbot School of Theology at Biola University. He has authored or edited dozens of books and over 70 peer-reviewed journal articles.